Tooth Extraction

Extraction & Impaction

While wisdom teeth removal is a common dental procedure for many teenagers and some adults, there are various other circumstances in adulthood that may necessitate tooth extraction. Factors such as severe tooth decay, infections, and overcrowding can all contribute to the need for tooth removal. Individuals undergoing orthodontic treatment, particularly those with braces, may also require extraction of one or two teeth to create space for the proper alignment of the remaining teeth. Moreover, individuals undergoing chemotherapy or preparing for organ transplants may undergo tooth extraction to eliminate compromised teeth and maintain oral health.

Tooth extraction is typically carried out by a dentist or oral surgeon and is often a swift outpatient procedure. The process can involve local, general, intravenous anesthesia, or a combination of these, ensuring patient comfort during the extraction. While the removal of visible teeth is categorized as a simple extraction, more complex procedures are necessary for dealing with broken, submerged, or impacted teeth that require a more intricate approach.

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Monday - Saturday 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM